Parent Info

Attendance - Please e-mail or call to let us know that your student will be absent (717-1205)

Bell Times - Opening bell rings at 8:12am, the tardy bell rings at 8:20am. Closing bell is at 2:55pm. There is supervision on the playground beginning at 7:50am.

Driving for a field trip? - We will need a copy of your driver's license and vehicle insurance. Both of these must be current.'

Drop off - West Elementary student drop-off is on King Street. Parents - please refrain from parking in front of the school or in the staff parking lot. These areas are designated bus drop off locations, and are restricted for the safety of your students. Thank you for your cooperation!

Hours - Our office hours (beginning two weeks before school starts and two weeks after the last day) are from 7:30am to 3:45pm on weekdays.

Medications (including cough drops) - must be brought to the school, in their original container, by a parent or guardian. A Medication Administration form must be completed before any medications will be dispensed. All medications (including cough drops) are kept in the office. Please plan on the medication staying at the school as it cannot be sent to and from school daily with your student. The safety and well being of your student is very important to us. For more information please contact Kelie Willson, our school nurse.

Placement - Classroom placement is completed in the spring for the following year. Your current classroom teacher places your student and they make the best possible matches for each student while maintaining balanced classrooms. If you have a concern, please pick up a Request for a Specific Learning Environment form from our office. The deadline for these forms to be turned is April 1st.

Important Times to Remember

7:50am - Playground Supervision

8:12am - 1st Bell and Line-up

8:20am - Tardy Bell - parents sign in their students in office

11:20am/11:40am - 1st grade lunch (split)

12:10pm - 2nd grade lunch (all)

2:50pm - 1st bell

2:55pm - Students released

**parent pick up at the flag pole on King Street


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